Wednesday 8 February 2017

Tips to develop twitter marketing strategies

Visibility is one aspect of marketing that won’t change — regardless of the year. Marketing before and after a digital transformation revolves around how customers see your business. What should marketers and business owners do to stay ahead of their competitors? Here are 4 tips to help you develop a Twitter marketing strategy
1.       Perfect your timing
2.       Be a resource, not an advertiser
3.       Be visual
4.       Native ads supremacy

Perfect your timing
Brands and businesses use Twitter to gain visibility, brand awareness, increase sales, and ultimately drive traffic to their blog or website. To do this, brands must first think of how to make their tweets visible to their audience.
Social media is one of the best ways to amplify the great content you’re creating. But it isn’t enough to just post content to social whenever you feel like it. Sometimes are better than others. To increase the Click-Through-Rate (CTR) of your articles or links, you need to be tweeting at the optimal time and not when people are asleep or having a busy day at work.

Be a resource, not an advertiser
Twitter can be an amazing tool that small business owners can use to build relationships with prospective customers. Whatever you tweet, put your followers first. What type of content will they find useful?
Posting a question is a simple tactic that works equally well in a social or business setting and on Twitter, as its human nature to want to answer a question. You could ask your audience for their views on a new product or service or tweet a link to a blog post and ask for their opinion.
A quick look at Twitter Analytics will show you that tweet with photos generate more favorites, retweet and click than text-only tweets. Make sure your photo is optimized by editing and applying filters using Twitter mobile apps.

Be visual
Twitter now features visual content more prominently by auto-expanding the images in your tweets, so accompanying your content with an image is more important than ever. Stunning visuals will go a long way to help your updates stand out amongst the other tweets in your followers’ text-dominated Twitter streams.
Humans process visual content 60,000 Xs faster than text.
Content with relevant visuals gets 94% more views.
37% of marketers said visual marketing was the most important form of content for their business, second only to blogging (38%).
74% of social media marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing, ahead of blogs (68%) and videos (60%).
By 2017, video content will represent 74% of all internet traffic.

Native ads supremacy
The goal of native advertising is to create an experience where the ad is a cohesive part of the content that someone is already consuming. Recently, “native” has been used to refer to mobile in-app ads that match the existing look, feel, form, and function of the app in which they appear.
According to a Business Insider (BI) headline, native ads will drive 74% of all ad revenue by 2021. BI data further suggests that spending on native advertising in the United States will reach $21 billion by 2018. While the largest segment of native ad spending is in social media, the fastest growing segment is the native-style display which is expected to grow by more than 200% over the next two years.
Native advertising is currently the third-most popular tactic, tied with video.

Friday 9 December 2016

Advantages and impact of online shopping

Nowadays in the new era of technology, the web has already become a part of our life. As the web is changing into a lot of wide used, we tend to nearly will realize or do everything via the web. As several businesses are trying to globalize their sales, the web becomes the first suggests that of advertising and merchandising their merchandise or services worldwide.

One of the internet’s early effects was to foster a far bigger proliferation of specialty retailers than ever before — retailers with a singular purpose of read however not essentially a requirement for an incredible quantity of floor house. The net has allowed retailers to attach with potential customers and specific they are whole in entirely new ways in which, and physical stores became a locality of their communication and sales strategy rather than being their solely or primary thanks to reaching customers.

Online shopping offers such a lot of benefits for customers. It’s simple – retailers deliberately create their websites easy to navigate and use – and with a MasterCard, the globe is your oyster. Several businesses are making websites additionally to their retail stores and lots of beginning their businesses with on-line stores alone.

Online shopping websites are building to permit individuals to sell and advertise their item or purchase any things that they required via website. An e-commerce website has the lot of convenient, bricks and mortar developer’s are that specialize in enhancing the convenience of shopping centers likewise.

The higher the degree of online getting a shopper will, a lot of doubtless it's that they purchase with chains versus native businesses. Those whose on-line purchases conjure but five hundredths of their overall shopper disbursal are some equal amounts with chains as native businesses.

As a conclusion, online shopping web site becomes a lot of fashionable and powerful. Though online shopping has brought lots of benefits to society, however, there are some negative considerations of online shopping too. To avoid cyber crimes, customers should use caution whereas victimization MasterCard via online shopping website. Additionally, the web developer ought to upgrade and enhance the protection level of the web site to avoid those crimes.

Except for cyber crimes, pollution on our surroundings have gotten a lot of serious, as somebody's being, we must always defend our earth and residential. It’s additionally instructed that customers and retail merchant ought to use some utile material to deliver the products.

Eventually, all customers can adapt to the web technology and ready to consider the convenient, innovative approach to shopping.